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News & Events

agiLab's Sixth Event!

Our sixth agiLab session will be held on 18 April. Topics include digital poverty and agile working and creating cultures of belonging in...

Digit Debates - 29 March

The digital futures at work research centre has the next in its series of Digit Debates on 29 March (1-2pm). Counter-hegemonic...

Digit Debates - 15 March

The digital futures at work research centre has the next in its series of Digit Debates on 15 March (12-1:30pm) The political...

Digit Debates - 8 March

The digital futures at work research centre has the next in its series of Digit Debates on 8 March (4-5pm). Women in Tech: Professor...

4-Day Working Week Pilot - Results!

The full findings of the world’s largest four-day working week trial to date, comprising 61 companies and around 2,900 workers, that took...

News: Remote4all Animation

This animation describes findings from a research project exploring the experiences of remote e-working for Disabled and Neurodivergent...

News: Rural Coworking Toolkit

Coworking has been growing in recent years, particularly in urban areas, where mobile professionals work flexibly in shared workspaces...

News: How to Care Less About Your Email

Inbox taking over your life? Take a page from the email slackers and naysayers and try declaring email bankruptcy, setting filters—and...

Event: Aprils agiLab Session

Our next agiLab session will be held on April 28th. Presentation themes will include work intensification and the hidden challenges of...

Please check our Twitter feed @agiLab_Sussex for more news and information.
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