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agiLab Conferences to date
Agile working refers to meeting societal, organisational and worker needs in relation to when, where and how people work (often using new technology and innovative practices to deliver this). Extending the right to agile working is a cross-party policy priority. At the NHS, it is part of the People Promise to support agile working for all employees, taking into account different roles, circumstances and statuses.
agiLab has organised tri-annual online conferences since March 2021. These conferences are knowledge exchange forums for NHS practitioners and decision-makers to learn about the latest academic research and policy implications in relation to agile working. Academics also use these forums to understand more about the issues affecting the implementation of agile working ‘on the ground’. This helps to develop research studies to explore and address these issues (see agiLab Research Projects document). Please see below a summary of our conferences to date. The Director of agiLab is Dr Emma Russell, who can be contacted at
Mini-conference 1 (May 2021)
Mini-conference 2 (September 2021)
Mini-conference 3 (April 2022)
Mini-conference 4 (July 2022)
Mini-conference 5 (November 2022)
'Managing agile work inclusively'
Mini-conference 6 (March 2023)
'Feeling seen, being heard, taking action'
Mini-conference 7 (July 2023)
'Should I stay or should I go?'
Mini-conference 8 (November 2023)
'Can we be both fair and flexible in agile work?'
Mini-conference 9 (March 2024)
'Owning agile work: taking (back) control of working time, working role and working place'
Mini-conference 10 (July 2024)
'Bridging the employee skills gap for an agile NHS'
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